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The MCWB Team

We are the Global Fellows in Marine Conservation of Duke University Marine Lab for the year 2013 from Russia, India, Albania and Brazil.


Since 2015, the program is called as The Marine Conservation Summer Institute (MCSI). It is a 5-week program that utilizes a multi-disciplinary approach to engage students and professionals with global marine conservation topics. Check out the video to know more....


In 2014, The Marine Conservation without Borders was kick-started by the following fellows of Duke University. Click on the names to know more about them...


Project coordinator, 
NGO Baltic Fund for Nature,
St Petersburg, Russia.
Research Assistant,
University of Lethbridge,
Alberta, Canada. 
Project coordinator,
Herpetofauna Albanian Society,
Tirana, Albania.
Marine Program Manager,
Conservation International,
Bahia, Brazil.
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